Sunday, August 29, 2004

HEY HEY HO HO GEORGE BUSH HAS GOT TO GO a vote for Bush is a vote against yourself...

Watched the big protest today on looked mighty peaceful to me. They had some catchy chants also...God, I wish I could be there...

And it struck me that, as cool as C-Span is anyway, the fact that it's just simply unedited TV is awesome. They don't edit out swearing, they don't edit out boring stuff--it's just like is life. Brian Lamb is a genius...

Don't have much to say except this Ben Barnes video and story by Greg Palast all look very interesting and very incriminating. But will Chris Matthews talk about it? No. Why? I'm not sure. Yes, it could be dangerous for networks to air the "allegation" that as a favor to Bush Sr., Bush Jr. was in fact placed in the National Guard as a pilot over thousands of other applicants because it would invite lawsuits and the networks don't care for that.

But it seems to me that this Swift Boat stuff is exactly the same and the crap that they are accusing Kerry of is in fact directly contradictory to contemporaneous military records. But all the pundit shows blather endlessly on about that situation, when everyone knows that what the Swift Boat Liars are saying is untrue. So why won't they book Ben Barnes and Greg Palast on Hardball and Hannity and Colmes and Washington Journal and see how the doctrinally unfair righties like a left hook?

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